Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bible Thumper

timism of the day: It takes courage to announce oneself as a man or woman of God. The world would more readily accept you as anything else --- but of God? You will be called weak, ignorant, dissillusioned, pompous, deceived, deluded, insane, grandeous, a bible thumper,and swarthy. What is said about you is in actuality more about them then you. You are in fact enlightened. Go about it with dignity and humility dispite the adjectives and know that you are being watched, as what is really happeining here is a test, a challenge of sorts. They who mock you really want to see you succeed, as it is at the core of their shadow and a secret wish of theirs as well. I know, as I was the one doing the mocking. “Was” being the operative word. Take it. Test it. Teach it. tim

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