Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don't Ya Think?

timism of the day: Being made in His image, it would seem that as Christians (Little Christ's) as is the meaning of the word, that we would be embraced by the world for our very excellence. If we are to be the inspired ones, and we are to do all things through Christ who strengthens us, wouldn't it seem that we would be the best, the smartest, the wisest, the hardest working, the most trustworthy, the most talented, the most dependable, the most creative, setting the bar towards thinking outside the box? It would seem that we would be the kindest, the most loving, the most forgiving, the most at peace, most happy, the most approachable, wouldn't it? Some of us are so Godly, we are no earthly good. Don't ya think?
Just sayin. Take it. Test it. Teach it.

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