Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Could be Bad Advice

How To Save a Marriage, there's no magic just a different approach.

Learning how to save a marriage is easier than you might think. Right now is one of the most unbearable emotional times you probably ever experienced. But in order to turn your marriage around in a positive direction, we're going to have to get past that. It's time to call on every morsel of inner strength that you can muster. You're going to need every ounce of energy in your body and your heart. What you’re asked to do is the opposite of what your gut tells you. But you must do this in order to get your momentum and strength back. Up until this point you had your life dictated by somebody you probably can hardly recognize. That’s getting ready to change. It's time to learn how to save a marriage.

Up until this point you have been led down a road you never wanted to go. Today you're going to choose a different road, something that's in your best interest; you're going to choose YOU over them. In this you're going to regain your strength and the momentum that was taken away from you. Okay it wasn't really taking away from you, you allowed this to happen. But that's in the past.

When we hurt deep in your core, we tend to give away all our power. Before we can change our relationship, we need to take that power back. After all this is what made you attractive in the first place, your courage, your humor and your self-esteem? If you want to know how to save a marriage pay attention, if your spouse wants a divorce or separation it's time to let them have it. Yes I know it's not what you really want, but to fight them on this will make you lose what you’re longing for.Most of us aren’t a whole lot different than children with too many toys. As long as we have our toys even if are not playing with them, we seem to be okay, and that is until somebody takes one. If another kid comes into the room and tries to take one of those toys (symbolically speaking), all of a sudden now it's special. It's time for you to take your toys back. And here's how you're going to do it.

First let me warn you this is something that cannot be faked. You need to know, that you know, that you know in your knower that you are of great value, if your spouse doesn't want you somebody else will. Believe that your life will be better without them, truthfully the way things are now, it will be. If you don't feel you are emotionally strong enough to do this, then don't try it yet.

This is how to save a marriage. You need to be at a point where you are very self-confident, and able to stand your ground. You must be able to do what is right for YOU. Even if you have kids and you're trying to tell yourself that it’s in my kid’s best interest to keep living this way. Gain some more strength; or you will keep doing this until you realize what's in your best interest.

i know because that's exactly what i did, I kept telling myself that I was doing this. It wasn't really for my kids, as I have no children, but you may have, you may just be afraid to stand your ground, which just drags out the pain that much longer. Nothing is going to change until you change it. I wish I would've learned more about how to save a marriage back then.

Ironically, when you decide to put your foot down, this may be the thing that turns it all for the better. It has to be real or it won't work. You have to get to the point where you’re the most important person to you. Your mental health, your life becomes your top priority. It's at that moment that you regain your power that was stripped from you. And you say to your spouse, or significant other, "I've had enough, and I'm not willing to do this anymore". So are you to that point yet?

We've all heard the saying; if you love somebody let them go. It's time not only to let them go, but to push them away. You need to do it in a gentle nonthreatening way. This will have more of an impact.

Here's an example, you can tell them that you believe that their right, the relationship isn't going to get better, and you think it's probably in both of your best interest to split up but remain friends. This is especially true if you have kids. Tell them that you're not mad and you understand that they're not happy. And that it’s what you want for them and yourself, to be happy. You might say something like you hope that they find the happiness that they're seeking, whether it is with somebody else or just by themselves.

This will give you back the self respect you deserve and also return your power to you. Now you're the person making the decisions. Being a strong person is very attractive to people, if nothing else will gain you much respect.

Again I must stress this is something you need to believe with your heart, it must be real or it won't work.

Just sayin. Take it. Test it. Teach it. tim

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