Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happiness, The Long Choice

timism of the day: Happiness is a choice, as one can choose to be unhappy. However, that choice is a long choice, meaning that happiness is in actuality a byproduct of this choice. The choice is really to meet ones needs with respect to:

Power (Control)

Freedom (Choice)

Love & belonging (Friends, fellowship, family, relationships, and self-love)

Fun (Yes, it's all for not if one is not enjoying the life they choose to live)

Security (Feeling safe)

Purpose (Do i matter? Do i make a differnce? Why get up in the morning? )

Meeting these needs in a balanced socially acceptable manner will lead you to the long choice of happiness inspite of situational stressors. Strangely though, have you noticed that unhappiness is a short choice and can happen in an instant if you so choose.

Just sayin. Take it. Test it. Teach it. timSee More

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