Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ball and Chain

Timism of the day: Forgiving is not forgetting. Neurologically our brains remember everything, but not like you may think (To be addressed later). Forgiving is a commitment to not bring it up again, to wipe the slate clean and to stop keeping track. If one does not forgive, more harm is done to the non-forgiving party than the one to be forgiven. One can eventually walk away and be free from someone that is unforgiving, but one cannot walk away from the ball and chain of resentment and revenge and an unwillingness to forgive. We cannot earn your forgiveness, but you may have the power, through the grace of God to give us the gift of forgiveness. We are all fallible human beings capable of all sorts of malfeasance and harm, even to those we love. Especially to those we love. Forgive us. Set us free. Set yourself free. It may be painful at first and seem impossible, but time really does do a number on the pain and we only have so much time here. Accept us for who we are. Forgive us for what we’ve done and let’s all move on. You’d be amazed at how much better we will all feel. The ebb and flow of relationships that are determined to survive depend on this.

On a side note, the most difficult person to forgive is oneself. The same rules apply. Warning, if you don’t forgive, you are preoccupied with the past, which is the premise of depression. Do you really want to live that way? To refuse to forgive is abusive, neglectful, lazy, and intentional harm. God not only says to love our neighbor, but our enemies. That may be the person lying nest to you in bed, the person in the office next to you at work, and it may be yourself. Why not let today be that day. Learn to be where your hands are. Are they folded on this issue? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands will impede the growth of the vineyard that God has given you. Tend to it. Groom it. Care for it, which may imply forgiveness.

Timism Question of the day: Does forgiveness imply that one must stay involved in the relationship? Just sayin. Take it. Test it. Teach it.

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