Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: Well, somebodies got to worry about it!

Timism of the day: Eudor Welty stated, "I am a writer who came of a sheltered life. A sheltered life can be a daring life as well. For all serious daring starts from within." Regardless of your beginnings may they be ever so humble, abusive, abrasive or you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, the choice to embrace your fears, not obsess over them and to use them to move you to a place of courage is just that...A CHOICE TO BE DARING, which comes from within. There is always choice. May we all live daring lives this coming year. Be adventurous, try new things, stop the worry and live a life of courage. To worry is to choose to imagine all the worst possible scenarios in your head. Now why would anyone choose to do that? Makes no sense, yet people do it every day and for many, all day and feel justified in doing so. My own mother used to say, "Well somebodies got to worry about it!!!" Worry never did anyone any good whatsoever. Although often confused as the same thing, there is a difference between worry and good common sense planning and controlling what you can control. Again, it's all about words and pictures. If you say it, then you must see it, making it much more likely to happen or at least make the ride a whole lot less fun not only for you, but all those around you.

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