Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: Definition of Happiness.

Timism of the Day: Since we all aspire towards happiness, although it's not something you can just choose to do and get immediately, rather, it is a byproduct of meeting your needs in a balanced manner. In-so-doing, I often find that people do not have a good definition of happiness. So here's mine. "Happiness or Mental Health is enjoying the life you are choosing to live, getting along well with the people near and dear to you, doing something with your life you believe is worthwhile and NOT doing anything to deprive anyone else of the same chance for happiness that you have." Notice the operative words here 1)choice 2)relationships 3)Purpose
4)Assertiveness. There ya go, a clear definition and Four ingredients towards a happy lifestyle. Let me know how it works for you.

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