Monday, March 8, 2010

Timism of the day: Do you believe in luck?

Timism of the day: i think perhaps there is an equation to success in this world and it looks something like this. They are in a particular order, as one precedes the other, but all must work as a whole for achievement of the goal. It looks something like this: Motivation + Inspiration + Hard Work + Good Timing + Luck + Divine Intervention. Yes, i do believe in luck and that it is a part of the equation. What do you think?


  1. Really hard for me to comment on this one. I grew up in a pastor's home and heard all my life that as Christians we don't believe in "luck." But there is something to be said for those who seem to have everything handed to them. I love the music videos. Very nice. Enjoy your day Tim, you have a nice blog.

  2. Thanks, it's just a plethora of random thoughts as applicable to my mood and various extuating circumstances throughout my week or day. Thanks for joining. i was taught against luck too, as my father was a minister, but then again, we say the "shit happens" and all seem to agree with that concept, so luck would just be backwards of that, "good happen" sometimes randomly. Excuse my french. Don't mean to offend.

  3. i meant extenuating circumstances. ha.
