Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: 10 irrational beliefs that will ruin your relationships.

Timism of The Day: Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't man who created relationships, but rather God. Thus, we are relationship oriented creatures by nature, however, the following are irrational beliefs that we take into our relationships that are ultimately setups for failure:
1) My partner will never do anything to hurt me.
2) My partner will sense what I need without my telling him or her.
3) My partner will never be sexually attracted to anyone else.
4) If my partner truly loves me, he or she will always try to please us.
5) Love means never being angry or disappointed with each other.
6) The thought of ending our relationship will never cross either of our minds.
7) Our sexual relationship will always be exciting.
8) My partner will always be honest, open, and direct with me.
9) My partner will always respect, understand, and accept me no matter what I say or do.
10) My relationship with my partner will meet all my needs. Now, don't be hatin...just speaking a little truth as i see it.

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