Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: The right to be confused.

Timism of The Day: Did you know that you have an attitude towards everything? Contrary to popular belief, there's more than right or wrong, yes or know, true or false. Fact of the matter is there are four attitudes: 1) True 2) False 3) Neutral 4) Confused. You don't have to pick sides. Don't try and be black or wh...ite in a grey world. You have just as much right to be neutral (Don't care or whatever) and Confused (meaning, I don't have enough information...). People who feel strongly for or against something will tend to act aggressively towards you if you feel neutral towards something they are adamant about. If you're confused, they will typically feel as if they need to educate you. Caution! STAND YOUR GROUND. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE NEUTRAL OR CONFUSED. It's funny, but I never thought I would have to fight for the right to NOT have an opinion, or to be confused, but one is particularly vulnerable during these times, especially around those who are passionate towards their cause or belief. If you strive to be assertive, your opinion is just as important as anyone else’s and thus at times, that may very well mean to have no opinion at all or to opt out due to incomplete or confusing information. YOU’VE GOT A RIGHT TO FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT TO BE NEUTRAL AND CONFUSED!

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