Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: Jesus did a Clint Eastwood.

Timism of the day: Did you know that being cool is very Jesus like. Ever notice in the Story of the Wind and the Waves such as in Mark 4:35…that Jesus spoke to the winds and the waves and they were still. Emphasis on "spoke" …how cool is that? He did a Clint Eastwood…A Cool Hand Luke. He could’ve done like so many of u...s do when we are responding to fear and yelled and bitched, moaned and complained…awfulized, catastrophized, and Generalized, which is exactly what the disciples did when they woke Him from the sleep of the kittens. They didn’t say, “Teacher, could you help?” no they said, “Teacher don’t you care?” in an accusatory tone, a bossy tone with an edge to it as if to really say, “Do something about it!!!” but no, He did a Clint Eastwood and He spoke. That trumps J.F. Hutton any day. What do you do when faced with fear? Do you get angry, anxious, bossy, passive, submissive, withdrawing? Do you become a control junkie, do you yell and rant and rave, or do you speak with the faith and the knowledge that you have such power through Christ Jesus. Once you realize that power, and you show calm in the midst of the storms, winds and waves of your life, you will have people do just as they did to Jesus once he spoke calm into the Wind and the Waves. And they said, “What kind of man is this?!” This is what will happen to you as people watch you this year, the Clint Eastwood’s and the Cool Hand Luke’s of the world; they will say this about you... WHAT KIND OF MAN IS THIS! WHAT KIND OF WOMAN IS THIS? Yes, being cool is very Jesus like. Take it, test it, and teach it.

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