Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: Feel special yet?

Timism of the day: Do you feel special today? Don't ever let it leave your mind that you were created to be an answer to someone's problem, a tall drink of water to someone's thirst, a salve to someone's wound, the missing piece to someone's puzzle, the hook to someone's song, the partner to someone's dance, the catc...h to someone's fall. God knew you before the foundation of the Universe, created you in His image to do a good, acceptable and eventually a perfect work. It's a process, but to love the process, you have to see yourself as special, starting TODAY. It's not about feeling special, it's about knowing. You know, that you know, that you know in your knower that YOU ARE SPECIAL. You didn't choose to be here, God chose for you to be here. So, since your here, you may as well forgive yourself, forgive your neighbor, forgive your enemies and start loving yourself as He loves you. STOP concentrating on your faults and begin to focus on your strengths. Therein lies the key to your purpose. Set your mind on the facts and say in the mirror: I deserve to be here, and the right to be here, and the right to be happy. This space I'm taking up is MY space, given to me for a purpose...a special purpose. So, do you feel special yet today?

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