Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: Time is NOT my friend today.

Timism of the day: No matter how you dress it up, TIME is not my friend today. Time, which i often call the ultimate absolute is often thought of as something we can manipulate in some way. That my friends, is a myth. We cannot save it, catch up on it, turn it back...nothing. It simply has its way with us, much like g...ravity. If there is anything that makes us all equal, it is time. If there is to be a judgement at the end of this life, it will be with respect to what we did with our time. Time and i somewhere, somehow had a spat along the way and we simply must make up. TODAY i will meet time, of course on its own terms and turf, and figure out how to make amends, as i am sure we can make friends, its imperative, crucial, and doable. Wish me luck in my negotiations, as i will do the same for you, as we will all have this conversation at some time or another.

1 comment:

  1. this makes me wonder about the phrase "stood the test of time" what exactly is meant by that? Hmmmm.
