Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: Feed Me!

Timism of the Day: It may help you to remember that problems are simply just a part of life. The better the problem solver you become, the better quality of life you will likely have. In fact, the core emotion of JOY comes from solving problems and meeting goals. JOY is the only core emotion that is reciprocal, it simply says "Feed Me", or "I want more" and thus gives you the energy to go out and do just that get more, by facing your problems and achieving your goals. I call that momentum in life. In fact it could be said that the more problems that you have, the more opportunities for joy. What do you think about that perspective? Different way of looking at things eh? Go towards your problems, rather than evasion and avoidance, for what...yep, you got it JOY.

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