Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: Right Brain/Left Brain Technique.

Timism of the day: Did you know that all emotion, imagination, craving, creativity, illusion, fantasy, anxiety, worry, depression etc...takes place in your right brain? Did you also know that the left brain is the side that can reason, and is more logical and rational? There is a technique that you can use to flip t...he switch from you right brain (when things are getting too emotional for example), to your left brain called, appropriately, right brain/left brain technique, which involves some self-talk. So, try this the next time you get emotional or feel irrational or need to think things through a bit. Say to yourself, "Once again I thought that way, it's up to me, but not today". Another one that works is, "No matter how much the pressure or how loud the noise, I will think clearly, and keep my poise". Both of these statements, literally flip the switch from the right to left brain. We are not accountable to every thought that drops into our mind, but we are accountable to the ones we choose to dwell on. This is a practical way to grab the thought, look at it rationally with your left brain and choose. Never forget that there is always choice. If you are on one side of the wall and you think that you want to go to the other side but find that you can't go under, around, over, or through it, is there still choice? Yes, we can always change our perspective of the wall and being on this side. The grass may be greener on the other side, but you still have to mow it. Perhaps you’re better off, just where you are. Anyways, try this technique. It works for me. It may work for you.

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