Sunday, March 7, 2010

Timism of the day: Bowling or Bouncing?

Timism of the day: You don't have to live in your unquestioned patterns. We are indeed creatures of habit, but if you will just stop and take a look around you, you will see that there are two basic types of people, the bouncing balls of the world, and the bowling balls of the world. The bouncing balls of the world ...are reactive, and basically externally controlled. In other words, they are allowing themselves to be controlled by other people and situations and will eventually become the victims of this world. The bowling balls are the ones who stop, get smart to their maladaptive patterns, and learn that knowlege is power. They are proactive at questionning their patterns and set out to change and grow because they see that the winners are winning because they know that they need to know. Today, ask yourself, am I a bouncing ball, or a bowling ball. Today, it only takes a moment, and if you don't ask, well, you've likely just answered the question and you really don't want to know the answer. If you ask the right questions, you will get the right answers and sometimes questions ARE the best answers. Just ask yourself the question, "bouncing or bowling" and listen. Then, you will know, that you know, that you know, in YOUR KNOWER the truth about you. Then, it's a matter of what can I do about it TODAY? Then, what WILL I do? Today can be that day that you GET SMART and begin to embrace your power to change. Today can also be the day that you realize that you're doing well, your a bowling ball, and a validation that you are proactive and getting it. Again, JUST ASK THE QUESTION.

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