Monday, March 8, 2010

Timism of the day: If your life were a story.

Timism of the day: If your life were a story, what type would it be? Narrative, springboard, secret, pop-up book, comic, anti-story, phenomenon, triumphant, macabre, rumor, reckoning, explanation, a report, tall tale, relation, recital, a happening, legendary, fictitious, literary composition, chronicle, historical, account, play, horror, G, PG, R, XXX,anecdote, definite knowledge, private affairs, confessional, pejorative, joke, punch line, amusing trick, fable, moral lesson, parable, religious lesson, myth, a phenomenon, legend, prose or poetry, novel, novella, epic, heroic, drama, human conflict, dialogue, action, a performance, tragedy, serious, typical, disastrous, fate,tragic flaw, psychological maladjustment, comedy, burlesque, farce, slapstick, and horseplay, witty, exaggerated, unlikely, parody, satire, ridicule and contempt, academic, protagonist, a plot, a turning point, resolution, fact, Fiction and Fantasies, deep, narrator, strategy, scheme, linking, minimalist, detective, romance, quasi-theological, predetermined etc...?

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