Monday, March 29, 2010

I know what to do, so why am I not doing it?

Timism of the day: I know what to do, so why am I not doing it? That’s the million dollar question, so today, and perhaps throughout the next few days, as time provides, i will attempt to help you, my FB friends, myself included, to explore this internal question with the hopes that we can make the appropriate change...s internally, which will of course manifest themselves externally.

So why are we not doing what we know to do? One of the first things that comes to mind is that we probably don’t believe that we can. Here are a few beliefs that i have heard over the years in my practice by people just like you and me, (normal people going through extenuating circumstances) to explain why they do not engage in healthy pursuits. As you read these, be honest with yourself and check off all of those that you have heard yourself saying at some time or another. No ones watching, so be honest, go with your very first instinct. Whatever you do, don’t pause, just read and check it off. The quicker you answer and check, the more likely that you are being honest with yourself. Here they are:
· I am to busy.
· I don’t have the time to shop for the right foods.
· I work too many hours to be able to exercise.
· I have too many children at home to take care of.
· I have too many children at home to take care of.
· I can’t keep track; I am too busy.
· I have too many family problems.
· Healthy eating is too expensive.
· I don’t need to exercise; I walk all day at work.
· I have a low metabolism so I can’t lose weight.
· I am under to much stress at work.
· My family cooks all the foods I like, and I can’t refuse.
· I don’t know what healthy choices are.
· I can’t stick to a strict diet.
· I live in a dangerous neighborhood so I can’t exercise.
· I lost the list of foods I need to stay away from.
· I don’t like any of the foods that are good for me.
· With the holidays, it is impossible to stick to my routine.
· I’m not the one who buys the groceries.
· I have too many other health problems.
· It is too late. I am too old.
· I have tried every kind of exercise and diet, and nothing works.
· I just take extra insulin if I eat too much.
· My doctor never tells me that I have to lose weight.
· My scales are broken.
· My exercise bike is broken.
· I am hungry all the time.
· I am bored, and I eat all day long.
· It’s too painful to exercise.
· It’s inconvenient.
· I don’t have time.
· It’s boring.
· It’s hard to keep up.
· I’m too out of shape.
And/or other: List your own: ______________________________

These listed reasons/excuses can be organized into 6 distinct categories:
· Lack of time (I’m too busy.)
· Lack of money (Eating healthy is too expensive.)
· Lack of knowledge (I don’t know what healthy choices are.)
· Lack of ability (I have too much pain to exercise.)
· Lack of motivation (I know what to do. I just don’t do it.)
· Lack of optimism (It is too late, and I’m too old to change.)

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