Saturday, May 14, 2011


timism of the day: Just a few things about fear:

■Fear is not a good motivator because eventually the fear subsides, and so does your motivation.
■Your motivation has to come from a deeper place and has to be internally motivated.
■In fact, in a sense, you need more than motivation; you need inspiration, which implies a recommitment or a commitment to a value system.
■Some of us have never asked ourselves what are values are?
■Here’s a quick trick to get to your current value system.
Take a piece of paper, draw a line down the middle and list your strengths on the left and weaknesses on the rigt. (Things I am good at) Vs. (Things I could improve on). Once you have made that list, therein lies your value system on the left and your conflicts on the right.

Try it. Just sayin. Take it. Test it. Teach it. tim

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