Saturday, May 14, 2011


timism of the day: When Jesus said, "Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets" (Luke 6:26), he was saying essentially, "Don't be an ear tickler. Don't be a chronic peacemaker." If everything you say is loved by everyone, the odds are good that you're bending the truth. One of the sayings i'm known for is that if your are liked, loved, and approved by everyone, you're likely weak. Sometimes you have to pick a side. Setting limits has to do with telling the truth as you see it. Those who respect your version of the truth and respect your boundaries are your true allies. They don't have to be your friends, but they do show you respect in your individuality and your uniqueness. They listen to your worldview and applaud you for having a seperate opinion. In fact, those truly healthy will say they are glad you have passion and they can perhaps learn a thing or two from you. This person, if you can find them, are what i call wise and even righteous. Stick with them, as they like you despite your differences and are hard to come by. i stopped a long time ago trying to be an ear tickler, have lost a few friends due to it, but i assure you, it's worth the rejection. Who needs em. Not me. We can at worst respect each other and agree to disagree and still have fun together. Just sayin. Take it. Test it. Teach it. tim

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