Saturday, May 14, 2011


timism of the day: Sick, tired, crazy, hate, kill, death, 6 words we often use daily and wonder why we don't like the way we feel. If you say it you see it, and if you see it you become it. Literally, your prophesy is what you allow to roll off your palet. Why do we have to be so focused on the negative? Why do we have to say I am sick of..., or I am so tired of..., or I hate, or this is making me crazy. If fact even when we have the occassional cathartic belly laugh till ya almost pee your pants (so you women say), why is it that we have to ruin it by sayin You're killing me..., or that we nearly laughed to death, or you're going to be the death of me. When are we going to realize that there are words that we speak that are prophetic and deplete us spiritually and emotionally which then ofcourse effects our actions and ripples into the ebb and flow of our relationships. Keep it positive folks as your words are alive and prophetic of your future. Don't say I am anything unless it is biblically correct and positive. I am in shape. I am working out. I am handsome/beautiful. I am strong. I am exactly the weight that got wants me to be. I am blessed. I am inspired. I am happy. I am at peace. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. I am forgiven. I am a child of God. Etc... Now see how much better that feels? What are your prophetic words that you have, or are going to speak into being that you are going to at least start saying today? Let me/us hear your responses. We may need a few good ideas. Share your vision with us today. I look forward to hearing and seeing your encouraging words.

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