timism of the day: Are you having self-doubts today? This is common, your limited education, your father dying when you were young, your history of mental illness, an alcoholic parent, being raped, and guilt over a serious mistake you made in your teenage years. It is very important that you remember your past is over.
Never build your future around your past.
Jesus was born with a terrible stigma. His mother Mary, was pregnant with Him before she ever married Joseph, His father. The Bible says that they had not had a sexual relationship, but,
“that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 1:20).
Only two people in the world really knew that Mary was a virgin: God and Mary. Undoubtedly, hundreds of people mocked and sneered at Joseph for marrying Mary. Jesus grew up with this. He stepped out of a cesspool of human scorn. He clawed His way out of a pit of questions. He ignored the slanderous remarks. He knew the truth. He knew who He was and what He was about. It did not matter that others did not believe. He chose to chart His own course. The opinions of others did not matter.
God never consults your past to determine your future.
He never looked back. He never discussed the situation with anyone. There is not a single Scripture in the entire Bible where He ever brought up His background or His limitations.
You too, can move beyond the scars of yesterday. Stop talking about your limited education. Quit complaining that everyone in your family is poor.
Stop repeating stories of those who failed you.
Stop pointing your fingers at the economy.
Stop advertising your pain. Stop meditating on your flaws.
Everyone has limitations. Each of us are handicapped in some way. Physically. Emotionally. Mentally. Spiritually.
Stop looking at where you have been and start looking at where you are going. Just sayin. Take it. Test it. Teach it. tim
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