timism of the day: According to research infidelity is very common within the first year of a relationship and it is likely due to becoming an "anything goes" society where the indiscretions of public figures are practically daily news. Experts say if you don't want someone to stray take these actions to try and prevent it:
1. Infidelity rates are much higher among cohabiting couples because, in general, a couple that lives together is NOT as committed & most likely he is on the prowl. IF you cohabitate prior to marriage it is best to do it as a "TRIAL BASIS" IF it doesn't work, MOVE ON. IF a person feels trapped an affair can seem like an easy way out.
2. The internet is a slippery slope toward infidelity, as easy access to porn, pornography leads to an increase in anonymous sex, and FB where you have an abundance of Ex's and One night stands finding your partner, e-flirting can get out of hand quickly. Most that use the internet to have an affair are looking for sex, not intimacy.
3. It's important to vocalize your appreciation, recreate excitement, be spontaneous.
4. Make sex a priority, otherwise your partner will feel they have to look outside the relationship, some sex is better than no sex.
5. People who have commitment issues tend to feel more trapped with relationships, so they are more likely to use another person outside of the relationship as an intimacy blocker to keep themselves from getting too close to their partner.
Warning signs to identify a person who is at high risk for straying: He has an extremely active sex life (including masturbation), He has a lot of female friends (in person or online), He has/had a lot of male friends who cheat, and he has parents (mom or dad) who cheated. Just sayin. Take it. Test it. Teach it. tim
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